16 Jun · Ruth Meade · No Comments

New Library!

The children are really enjoying visits to our new school library! What a beautiful space to enjoy reading, thank you to all involved in setting it up! The children can’t wait to get their library cards so they can start borrowing books!


26 May · Ruth Meade · No Comments

Active Schools Week 2024!

What a week! The boys and girls really enjoyed active schools week this year so much even though we didn’t get to have sports day on the Friday! The children participated in many events including mile with a smile, a chalk mural competition, GAA with Ruth, a whole-school dance off (which we definitely won!) among …


13 May · Ruth Meade · No Comments

Tablet Time!

The children loved using the tablets to practice their mental maths skills! They loved seeing their names and points on the teacher big screen, a very competitive bunch indeed!


23 Apr · Ruth Meade · No Comments

Getting messy with clay!

This month the children are working with clay in Art. Last week they made and painted their clay pots and this week they will be making clay monsters! Looking forward to seeing their monsters come to life!