Navan Educate Together is a National School funded by the Department of Education and Skills. It is also a member of the Educate Together organisation and therefore follows and supports its ethos.



The Student Council was established in 2010 as part of the Equality and Justice strand of the Learn Together Curriculum



Everything you need to know about our school in a handy booklet



In our preschool we follow the ethos of Navan Educate Together National School



We offer affordable quality childcare, working closely with parents/guardians, coupled with dedicated qualified professionals.



Find out about our various policies and how they apply to the school, you and your child.




Summer time in Junior Infants B

Junior Infants have had a busy and active June. We had yoga at Claremont Stadium to celebrate World International Yoga Day. Then we had a very active Sports Day, which included races, parachute games, football, basketball, hula hoops, skipping, the obstacle course and our favourite…the water race. We finished off the week with a summer ...

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Junior and Senior Infants trip to Red Mountain Farm

Junior and Senior Infants had a wonderful trip to Red Mountain Farm. We took a ride on the Blue Barrell Express which was lots of fun. Then we went to meet our farm yard friends to include the the geese, goats, hens, horses, donkeys and rabbits. After meeting the animals we played a massive game ...

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6th class school tour

6th class had a brilliant day out at Carlingford Adventure Centre. It was an early start but all the children were in great form. We started the day with a survival challenge where the class were split in two and had to complete challenges to earn points in order to beat the other team. The ...

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New Library!

The children are really enjoying visits to our new school library! What a beautiful space to enjoy reading, thank you to all involved in setting it up! The children can’t wait to get their library cards so they can start borrowing books!

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Senior Infants Love Summer

The children in Senior Infants are very excited about summer. In their assembly this morning they told everybody why they like summer and sang a great rendition of Cliff Richard’s song, Summer Holiday. Have a look at their summer writing and drawing!

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NETNS Athletes in Claremont

Six athletes from 3rd class represented our school so well today when they ran in the 60m sprints and 600m long distance races in Claremont Stadium. Despite the awful weather conditions the children ran their hearts out and came back to school with big smiles after a great morning. Well done girls and boys.

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Culture Day

In 4th Class we all had so much fun visiting all of the stalls at the culture day and learning so much about different countries. We put lots of work into our projects. We found the research really interest, thank you to Kim for coming in and answering all of our questions about New Zealand. ...

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Magnet Detectives

Last week the children in Junior Infants A were exploring the topic of magnetism in science. The children went into role as magnet detectives, using their magnets and magnifying glasses to conduct investigations around the classroom. They identified lots of different items which the magnets could stick to. After lots of discussion, the children came ...

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Active Schools Week 2024!

What a week! The boys and girls really enjoyed active schools week this year so much even though we didn’t get to have sports day on the Friday! The children participated in many events including mile with a smile, a chalk mural competition, GAA with Ruth, a whole-school dance off (which we definitely won!) among ...

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Bike Week

The children had great fun in Claremont for Bike week!

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